Over R500K Ad Spend
2000% ROI for Leading Finance Company!
Large financial corporation with over 150 staff, that handles debt review for thousands of people across South Africa.
Reaching a point of needing to automate their company processes better, they approached us to help them identify any bottlenecks as well as optimise current campaigns. In less than 3 months the 10X Growth Hackers 10Xd their business.
Cost per lead went from R350/lead down to average R50/lead
Click through rate went from 0.19% up to average 3%
Qualified leads went from converting at 6% to 17% and rising
2000% ROI
With this company being a large corporation, we have had to implement drastic measures to analyse & optimise data!
Bringing down the cost per lead?
We have built out 3X channels of flow to test split amongst each other. This is always a play between getting the lowest cost per lead, at the highest quality! So we are testing between:
A lead gen funnel – Inclusive of customised lander taken off facebook.
Facebook Lead builder – less friction and remains on the platform
ChatBot – interactive conversation flow
Creative angles ?
Where alot of companies come short on their ads, whether it be Google, Facebook or LinkedIN, is in their angles! This company in particular used straight arrow key words which does not necessarily relate to the client. We did deep dive research into the customer client avatars and identified their ‘pain points’ & ‘desires’. Through building verticals of custom audiences and speaking to their ‘desirable outcome’ this immediately and dramatically encouraged high click through rate and decreased the cost per lead!
Measuring Results?
This company had solely been relying on 2 points to measure the success of their campaigns! The ad & the outcome! This is not sufficient enough to understand the client’s journey entirely. So we have now build custom dashboards which has allowed for us to understand:
Every step of the journey
Where the bottlenecks are and what can be improved
Which quality leads are tied to specific ad sets
This has even gone as far as identifying bottlenecks in the sales teams processes!
Through a fully automated and optimised strategy, especially with a corporation, this results in less staff overheads and can be the difference between saving or making millions per month!