Let’s talk about how to start a local lead generation business in 2020 successfully. One of my favorite concept is using SEO to rank websites and sell leads or rent out the website locally.
Check out my case study on Digital Real Estate training here: https://www.jameskuck.com/dre-shortcuts
Rank #1 In Google MAPS: https://www.thegmbblueprint.com/lander
Join The FREE Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/localgmbseo
Learn more about starting a local lead generation business here: http://bit.ly/369Tehc
Their is two main lead generation concepts that I use in the local method
Rank And Rent (Using Search Engine Optimization)
Pay Per Call Model Using Google Pay Per Call ADs. (You can also leverage social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to generate inbound leads through paid advertisement and sell the leads.)
Rank and rent is a local lead generation business model that requires a real skill set but can be compared to investing in real estate except with much less of the upfront investment cost.
You pay to design and build your digital property and then push it into the “Good Neighborhoods†which is up onto page 1 of Google for targeted traffic. Once this is accomplished you have an ASSET!
Build a local lead gen website with my over the shoulder training.
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đŸ”¥Lets Connect On Social:
đŸ’°What is local lead generation? best rank and rent courses here: http://bit.ly/369Tehc
đŸ‘‰Pay Per Call Lead Generation Business: https://youtu.be/aHAMZO22ggI
One of the main things when starting off is picking the right local lead generation niches so that it is not too competitive but you also do not want it to be something nobody searches with urgency.