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Today on cold email teardown we are looking at a cold email for selling lead generation service. We will be seeing what he sent, and how he is pitching his service, and then we will tear it down and rewrite the whole cold email from scratch to see what converts.
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Selling Lead Generation Services With Cold Email #ColdEmailTeardown
Ultimate Cold Email Script To Sell Lead Generation Service
Cold Email Teardown™
The ultimate goal should be to inform them how you’re going to add value to them or their company. The goal isn’t to dive right into your pitch. You want the first email to introduce you as an expert that is going to help them solve a problem that’s holding their businesses back from greatness. Unless you’re a master at the one-email-close, the message should end with a call to action that prompts the next step towards sending them a proposal.
#ColdEmail #Coldemailteardown #leadGeneration #AlexBerman
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