GENIUS is probably the cleanest and powerful template for introducing your project. Versatile in all the ways, GENIUS can be used for every creative people, corporates, agency, e-commerce, business, portfolio etc… Get an important advantage with a very smart page.
Polyvalent, elegant, crafted carefully for an intuitive experience. Exclusive in all the ways as well, offering a range of unique interactions, 05 pre-made variants, 20 variations and 05 color schemes, a solid foundation under Bootstrap 3 and a fast support in English & Français.
GENIUS has been built with the Framework Bootstrap 3, responsive on every screens from phone to TV, easy to customize, HTML5 verified 100% by the W3C, CSS3, SASS and Mailchimp.
A documentation is provided in your download package for your customizations, you have also the possibility to contact me for more help )” title=” :)” />
FIX - 22 May 2017
Issue fixed: contact-me.php file updated, wrong value regarding the newsletter on line 164. Replace this :
By this :
FIX - 04 May 2017
Issue fixed: All transition properties in CSS and SCSS files updated. Removing of commas between settings. The commas were causing troubles, blocking the smooth transition effects.