If you’re running ads for your lending business, this is a great strategy for generating your business loan leads virtually for free. It’s a partnership that you can easily create in the next 30 days that can potentially cover all of your marketing costs.
Join my free EliteBroker Business Loan Marketing group:
👉 https://www.clkmg.com/leadsforlocals/elitebrokerfbgroup
Free Business Loan Lead Generation Masterclass:
👉 https://www.clkmg.com/leadsforlocals/bizloanmasterclass
Free Lending Lead Generation Website and Funnel:
👉 https://www.clkmg.com/leadsforlocals/freebizloanfunnel
Learn more about EliteBroker:
👉 https://www.clkmg.com/leadsforlocals/elitebrokerinfopage
FREE list of my top digital marketing tools:
👉 https://www.clkmg.com/leadsforlocals/topmarketingtools
If you’ve seen any of my other business loan lead generation videos, you know we have a lot of different strategies for generating business loan leads using Facebook ads and LinkedIn.
So bringing the leads in is pretty easy. But off-setting your a huge portion if not all of your marketing costs, well that can be a game-changer.
Imagine being able to build a pipeline of business loan leads virtually for free?
That’s what this strategy can do for you.
So being in the lending business, you know that many people are not qualified for the loan they want because of their credit.
The question is, what do you do with that lead now?
Unfortunately, most business loan brokers toss the lead aside and just move on to the next.
This is a terrible way to do business.
In the Lending Lead Gen Academy, I talk about adding credit repair as a service because it can cover your lead costs and fill your pipeline with people who still want a loan when they’re qualified.
But this strategy is a little different because you’re not actually doing the credit repair yourself.
You’re selling “hot referral leads” to credit repair agents, who want a reliable, consistent flow of leads just like you do.
So if you’re able to build a partner network of a few quality credit repair agents and sell them the business loan leads you generate who need help with their credit before they can get the loan…
Not only are you going to fill your pipeline with business owners who will be getting their loan with you in the next couple of months, but you’ll also be building that pipeline virtually for free because of the revenue you generate from selling the leads to your credit repair agents.
And trust me, there are a lot of agents out there who have to me they’d be happy to pay for referral leads.
So get this strategy implemented into your marketing ASAP!
Main Leads For Locals website: https://www.leadsforlocals.net