How to create a lead ad with Ads Manager: #metaads
Go to Ads Manager.
Click + Create.
Select Leads as your campaign objective and then click Continue.
Add information including campaign details, A/B test and Advantage campaign budget if needed, then click Next.
In the conversion section, select your Conversion location. You can generate leads through:
Website: Encourage web conversions. You need to set up and install a Meta Pixel before you begin.
Instant forms: Ask people to fill out a form on Facebook and Instagram.
Messenger: Direct people to an automated question-and-answer flow in Messenger.
Instant forms and Messenger: Use either instant forms or Messenger to generate leads, depending on where the person is most likely to take action after seeing a lead ad.
Instagram: Direct people to an automated question-and-answer flow in a message.
Calls: Encourage people to call your business to place an order, receive more information or schedule an appointment.
App: Encourage people to make an in-app purchase. You need to register your app on Facebook and select your Mobile app store before you begin.
Go to Performance goal, click the dropdown menu to choose a performance goal for your ad. Then, click Next.
Maximize number of leads: Show your ads to the people most likely to share their contact information with you.
Maximize number conversion leads: Show your ads to the people most likely to convert after sharing their contact information with you. While not required, we recommend that you set up and integrate your CRM before you choose this option to help you reach higher-quality leads.
Go to Facebook Page and choose the Page that represents the lead ad.
Note: If this is the first time you’re creating a lead ad on this Page, click View terms. Review the Leads Ads Terms and select I agree to terms and conditions.
Complete your Budget & schedule, Audience, and Placements information.
Note: Targeting options are limited for audiences that include people under the age of 18 in most countries.
Go to Identity and select your Page and Instagram account, if applicable. You can click Connect account to add a new Instagram account.
In the ad setup section, select either Single image or video or Carousel.
In the ad creative section, add Media, Headline, Description and Call to action to your ad.
Go to Destination and select where you want to send people to when they click your ad. Your campaign destination options, such as your website and an instant form, depend on the Conversion location you selected in step 5.
Go to Tracking and click Set up to set up CRM events, Website events and App Events to track event datasets if needed.
Click Publish to publish your lead ad.