Sell your lead lists online right now at
In today’s video, you will discover exactly how to use Lead Roster to efficiently and quickly sell your mailing lists online for maximum profits.
Follow the Lead Roster Twitter for B2B leadgen and sales content, and updates on the platform:
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Follow Zeal if you really want to go down that rabbit hole…
Watch over Zeal’s shoulder as you learn how to use Lead Roster to sell leads online in under 5 minutes. You will see an example of selling a B2B lead list, learn the do’s and don’ts of lead email verification, and get advice on how to create lead lists for sale on the platform for maximum success.
Lead Roster is a great place for you to sell your leads online if…
1. You have CAN-SPAM-compliant email lists lying around
2. You are looking for an easy way to monetize your hard-earned data
3. You think making automatic sales of your mailing lists sounds like fun!
4. You are willing to play by the rules and upload only email lists with target deliverability of 100% (meaning you’re responsible for maintaining email list quality over time)
5. You can figure out how to export your leads to a CSV spreadsheet that isn’t atrociously formatted. Seriously everyone hates bad formatting.
To get access to the latest and best email verification service, you can always just visit
If you are ready now to start selling your leads online, simply watch this video, create an account at and upload your CSV lead lists right away!