Mesh Jobs is a dedicated and fully functional theme for WordPress, which is backed by super awesome Wp Job Manager Plugin.
Mesh Jobs packed with Visual Composer, Revolution Slider and Wp Job Manager Plugins, where you’ll no more purchase any plugin.
Mesh Jobs is perfect for Job Companies, startups, recruitment agencies, HR companies, I can say one stop solution for your Job Portal Company.
Your friends are waiting to serve you
The industry leading Job Managing Plugin, used by thousands of themes. It will supercharge your agency. We added core addon bundle too
Users now can able to upload their resumes and maneges them without any hassle , completely integrated from Wp Job Manager Plugin , core addons.
Awesome pages designed for Companies, believe me, this will definitely loves for employees and emploers. easily manage them with editor.
Never miss any golden opportunity , which supercharge your career, get subscribed, get alerts timely.
The most amazing page builder, used by thousands of themes, marked by Forbes , is completely integrated with the theme, no need to buy any license, we got it for you create your own pages as you like.
create beautiful sliders with amazing slider plugin ,make things beatutiful and attract users.
Got bored with default search? now see, google maps , it will fetach the jobs available on the locations . really beatutiful, will enhance your business.
Designed with mobile friendly , really looks awesome on your devices, dont loose traffic from mobiles , get Mesh Jobs Get Customers.
Now you can search by locations, distance, salary many more parameters , which makes things simple for both employees and employers.
Updated Visual Composer to latest version Updated Revolution Slider to latest version Updated WP Job Manager Plugins Fixed few issues Sample Child Theme Included