PrimeInvest is a contemporary theme designed specifically for all modern finance and accounting websites. The theme comes with a stunning set of finance, consultancy, financial services, consulting businesses, and financial services elements & layouts, full Elementor page builder compatibility and much more. Invest in your business future the smart way, get PrimeInvest!
Here’s a link if you wish to view the PrimeInvest documentation.
If you have any questions or wish to learn more about PrimeInvest theme, we’ve compiled a huge selection of useful articles which you can easily lookup over at our Knowledge Base.
In case you have already purchased PrimeInvest and you happen to have some questions about it, feel free to visit our Help Center where our support team will be more than glad to help you out.
Check out the Qode Video Tutorials where you can find step-by-step guides on how to customize our themes to achieve exactly what your website needs.
Like our theme? Feel free to browse our other WordPress themes for finance websites.
We do not own the copyright for the images featured in this theme. The images in question are only used for presentational purposes on our demos. These images cannot be used on your website, unless you purchase the license from a stock image website yourself.
Version 1.4 – September 17th, 2021
- Added WordPress 5.8.1 compatibility - Added WooCommerce 5.6 compatibility - Updated Revolution Slider plugin to 6.5.8 - Updated Qode Framework plugin to 1.1.6 - Updated PrimeInvest Core plugin to 1.1.1 - Fixed menu arrow position on items without submenu - Fixed cart widgets in WordPress 5.8 - Fixed creation of the Custom Sidebars in new Widgets layout - Improved import in PHP8
Version 1.3 – June 25th, 2021
- Added compatibility with Qi Addons for Elementor plugin - Added WordPress 5.7.2 compatibility - Added WooCommerce 5.4.1 compatibility - Added option for Exchange Rates API Key - Added Choose Slide Animation option for Slider shortcodes - Updated Revolution Slider plugin to 6.5.2 - Updated Qode Framework plugin to 1.1.5 - Updated PrimeInvest Core plugin to 1.1 - Updated PrimeInvest Child to 1.0.1 - Updated license in style.css - Fixed options import - Fixed Product Pair shortcode slug - Fixed Qode Performance Disabling Custom Post Types - Fixed theme registration compatibility PHP 8 - Fixed Elementor grid size - Fixed Elementor widgets search - Fixed Swiper autoplay - Fixed custom class excluding for shortcodes - Improved PHP8 compatibility - Improved theme registration to block Shortcodes and CPT loading if the theme is not registered
Version 1.2 – December 8th, 2020
- Added WordPress 5.5 compatibility - Added WooCommerce 4.7.1 compatibility - Updated PrimeInvest Core plugin to 1.0.2 - Updated Qode Framework plugin to 1.1.3 - Updated Slider Revolution to 6.3.2
Version 1.1 – June 10th, 2020
- Updated PrimeInvest Core plugin to 1.0.1 - Updated Slider Revolution to 6.2.12 - Removed unnecessary tag from WooCommerce cart widgets - Fixed Elementor fields import - Fixed custom font global option functionality