There are too many people that are hopping on sales calls with prospects and trying to fit them into a constrictive box where if they don’t want exactly what you have with zero wiggle room, they just don’t sell the prospect. This is absolutely not what you should be doing. If a prospect is jumping on a sales call with you, I positively promise they want to buy something to help make their business better. They just might want it in a different form than you’re offering.
If you’re running a b2b business, marketing agency, smma, social media marketing agency, you need to figure out what it is your prospects actually want to purchase before you develop a tight box around your offer. To get more clients, you need to actually do research to see what they will buy in order to do better lead generation, make more money, make more sales, and run a better & more sustainable business.
#shorts #smma #marketingagency #entrepreneur