SeoBin is a creative and professional template specially designed for SEO, SEM, Business, Corporate, B2B websites. You can use this beautiful template for your every Marketing-related needs.
It also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, Video Popup, Beautiful Tab, Gallery and more. SeoBin is a solid All-in-One Marketing HTML Template for a better experience.
# Fixed mobile menu issue on Firefox - responsive css
# Fixed parent menu stuck on click issue. # File - css/responsive.css and css/style.css
+ Added Home Variations 9 and 10
# Improved design and css
+ Added 404 page # Improved CSS # Improve Design
# Improved CSS # Improve Design
# Fixed CSS Issues # Redesign Home Pages
+ Added Sticky Header + Added Sass and Gulp # Fixed search and off-canvas issue # Improved Css
Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the template bundle