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We cover how to market to get customers close together in this video tutorial. Subscribe to our channel for more helpful short videos on all aspects of running a profitable lawn care and landscaping company.
Check Out our EDDM Article: https://lawncrack.com/simple-eddm-guide
Check Out our Marketing Page for Lawn Care Companies: https://lawncrack.com/lawn-care-marketing/
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Key Takeaways: Lead Generation Services; Are they worth it?
1) I really say no, except maybe when you are just getting started.
2) The customers seem to associate your company with the lead generation service and their expectations are unrealistic.
3) In my experience, these leads are not loyal and end up being a big headache.
4) Customers you get from your organic marketing efforts are usually much higher quality clients.
Consider using EDDM paired with yard signs, door hangers, and knocking on doors with flyers and business cards in hand. This is a sure fire way to pick up some customers in the spring in any market!
If I left anything out please let me know in the comments!
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