Are you struggling to find new business?
Would you like to make more money?
How would it be if you could always work with your ideal client and have a steady stream of people in your sales pipeline?
According to statistics ……
* 92% of all customer interactions happen over the phone. …
* It takes an average of 8 cold call attempts to reach a prospect. …
* 30-50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first. …
* 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting. …
* Thursday is the best day to prospect
Emma Friendship-Kilburn is Marketing Consultant & a Business Development & Relationship Manager. In this video she shares 10 habits to maintain and effective sales pipeline. If you’re looking for more sales and a constant stream of potential clients, this video is for you!
For longer recording click here
Emma works with business owners to generate them quality leads. She builds relationships and get your growth projects off the ground with results-orientated action. I communicate your expertise in just the right way, to your ideal audiences! 😊
Her company, EmmPower works with ambitious, premium brands across B2B and B2C markets including luxury lifestyle and professional services and technology. We drive more business, raise awareness and take brands into the minds of their target audience. Direct communications is the name of our game!
If you’ve found this video valuable, please do like the video and subscribe to the channel. Every like and subscribe helps! ðŸ‘
And don’t forget, if you want to change your habits to change your life, head on over to my website, the link is below!
If you need some help to regain your mojo and age well, why not reach out and message me or book a complimentary curiosity call, to see if I can help you.
When you change your habits, you can change your life!
Here’s to Healthy, Happy Humans!
Julie Mann:
Life coach & EFT practitioner | Hypnotherapist | Arbonne consultant | Helping 50+ Individuals regain their mojo and age well
Emma Friendship-Kilburn:
MDEmmPower Sales & Marketing
My musical activity – Instagram!